MYTH: Using excessive calcium supplements can prevent osteoporosis.
FACT: The way that the body uses calcium is rather fascinating. When it has enough, all is well. When the body doesn’t have enough, it “borrows” it from the bones. The problem is that it has no intention of returning it, so once it’s been taken from the bones; it’s lost if it’s not replaced. However, the calcium and osteoporosis link goes one step further because excessive calcium isn’t necessary. The body doesn’t know what to do with it. Calcium supplements are fine, but overuse will do little to negate other osteoporosis risk factors or prevent you from getting it.
MYTH: I only need to worry about calcium and osteoporosis when I am old.
FACT: Building the foundations for strong and healthy bones really starts the moment that you get them, and particularly during adolescence, when the bones are growing and forming rapidly into what will be their future forms. Having adequate exercise and calcium intake during these important years will serve you well decades down the road.
MYTH: I will start to see the signs and symptoms of a deficiency of calcium and osteoporosis long before I have the condition so I can make changes then.
FACT: This is a common misconception. The truth is that many people have no idea that they have mild or even severe osteoporosis until they break or fracture a bone. The problem with this is that is a terrible time to start making dietary and physical activity changes. Being proactive is key to preventing osteoporosis.
If you are concerned that you have risk factors for developing this condition, you might want to consider an osteoporosis screening with your health care provider. This can give you some insight into whether or not you need to make dietary and lifestyle changes now to prevent the condition down the road. This simple and painless test is a quick and easy way to determine if you need to change your diet, physical activity level or perhaps consider osteoporosis natural treatment with calcium and vitamin D. Your doctor is your very best resource for the prevention and maintenance of this condition and while you cannot reverse osteoporosis, you can stop it dead in its tracks before it stops you in yours.
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