Whether you are stuck with a double chin because of excess fat or because of aging, sagging skin, you may find that double chin surgery is right for you. You might be surprised that this procedure is performed via the same method women have been using to tighten tummies and thighs for decades, good old lipo. Double chin liposuction is done is the same way that other forms are, so it’s actually a relatively easy procedure.
The benefits to this are plentiful. Results are quick, and although you will have swelling, you will likely quickly notice the lesser amount of you that you are taking home with you. Advances in technology have equaled lesser recovery times and you can likely return to work just a couple of days after your double chin surgery.
There are downsides to this quick fix however. For one thing, it’s thousands of times more expensive than just losing weight on your own. In fact, the best method for getting rid of double chin blues is to lose weight in general that will then translate into a more streamlined facial profile. And, remember that double chin surgery is not the end all be all. You will need to work hard to maintain your new look and ensure that you don’t end up with another scenario that involves extra cushion below your jaw line.
Schedule a consultation with a doctor if you think this procedure might be right for you. They will be fully able to discuss the benefits and risks with you, along with what to expect before, during and after the procedure.
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