1. For the first couple of days, swelling reduction is key. Think Craftmatic bed, and try to keep your boobs elevated and reclined for a couple days post op when sedentary. This swelling reduction is critical for all different types of breast implants and lifts, and will dramatically reduce your discomfort.
2. Watch how you sleep for a couple of weeks after your mastopexy with implants. What you do when you toss and turn will likely impact how much discomfort you have the next day. No belly or side sleeping for awhile after your procedure.
3. One of the best side effects of breast implants and mastopexy is that you don’t need fancy shmancy over the shoulder boulder holders any longer, and post op is NOT the time to bust out your favorite underwire. You’re going to sporting soft, comfortable bras for weeks after surgery, and heed your doctor’s advice with regards bra type.
4. Watch where you point those things, literally. Some people don’t immediately become aware of their new profile, and find everyday hazards like doors much more challenging when accounting for their new voluptuous knockers. So, be on injury alert with mastopexy with implants.
Recovery time for cosmetic surgery varies from person to person, but you will find that the more of your doctor’s advice that you follow, the more symptom reduction and relief you can expect. Certain common effects such as menstrual changes or decreased sensitivity are medical curveballs, and therefore their intensity and duration are largely unpredictable, however you will find that common sense home care can ensure that your mastopexy with implants recovery is as quick and painless as possible.
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