While chilling in mama’s uterus, your kidneys make their transitional journey up to where they belong near your rib cage. Sometimes, one kidney may not migrate, and will stay at its initiation point near the pelvis. This is the ectopic kidney. The complications of having a misplaced filter bean can include infections, kidney stones, trauma and kidney damage. Kidney damage can be caused by urine backing up to the kidney. However, you won’t experience renal failure symptoms even if one kidney is damaged, many people have only one, and there are few adverse health risks associated, so long as the other one is just fine.
If the complications from your ectopic kidney have worsened or have not responded to renal diet restrictions or other recommendations by your health care provider, he or she might discuss surgical options with you. Sometimes, the ectopic kidney is removed if the body is having frequent issues with infection or urination. Additionally, if the failure of that organ is causing adverse effects, it may also be given the boot. Remember, however that treating a displaced kidney largely depends on how well the remaining one is functioning, so take good care of it.
If you are concerned about the manifestation of symptoms present from your renal ectopia, speak to your doctor. He or she will want to discuss both the recurrence and persistence of your symptoms. Additionally, your “good” kidney will need to be evaluated to make sure that its functioning at peak performance.
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