Children are prone to experience mild or moderate Zyrtec side
effects. However, Zyrtec is regularly prescribed to children as young as
two years old. This indicates that it is relatively safe, especially
when compared to OTC allergy medication. Know what all of the zyrtec side effects are so that you can be better prepared to protect your child.

Zyrtec comes in liquid form, so it is imperative that you follow the dosing instructions.
Your child may have some negative zyrtec side effects if you give him
or her too large of a dose. Loratadine is also a drug used to treat
allergies in children. Because Loratadine side effects are a little more
unpredictable, it is not often prescribed to very young kids.
Loratadine is the scientific name for Claritin, which is sold in drug
stores without a prescription.
Dry mouth and yellow colored skin and eyes can also occur when children
take Zyrtec. This is not likely to occur, but you should still lookout
for these side effects nonetheless. Your child may feel dizzy when first
prescribed this med Although small children are not always able to vocalize their feelings, you can pay close attention to see if this side effect has occurred.
Zyrtec is just as effect in kids as non-medically approved natural
allergy remedies. The only difference between the two is that with the
latter, your child is guaranteed to get results.
If you are nervous about putting your child on a prescription drug for
allergies at a young age, you can ask your doctor to perform
comprehensive blood testing. This will ensure that only a safe level of
medicines remains in your child’s bloodstream at all times. If your
child’s allergies are bad enough to warrant prescription medication, be
assured that your doctor will have exhausted all non-prescription
options first.
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