Has the little tickle in the back of your throat progressed into painful swallowing accompanied by fever and chills or a headache? You might have a case of strep throat
contagious to others. The best thing for you to do is being at home
resting. Your tonsil infection could be caused by either a bacteria or a
virus. If a virus, home care is about all
you are going to get. If by bacteria, your tonsil infection will be
treated with antibiotics for strep throat. No matter how your throat is
being cared for by your physician, natural remedies can help soothe the
discomfort associated with a tonsil infection.
Honey and lemon are used as a home remedy for
many ailments. A cup of water, heated in the microwave before adding
two tablespoons of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey can help
relieve inflammation if drank twice a day. While it doesn’t sound good,
another drink combining turmeric, pepper and milk can also help soothe a
massively inflamed throat, as turmeric is a natural antibiotic. One
cup of milk boiled and then simmered serves a base for one teaspoon of
turmeric powder and one teaspoon of pepper powder. Stir this
questionable concoction for 2 minutes and enjoy (or hold your nose and
enjoy) after a 5 minute cool down period. One time a day for a couple
of days should yield positive symptom improvement.
If you happen to catch your symptoms during the strep throat
incubation period, eat some garlic. Garlic when eaten in small pieces at
the rate of half a clove a day is rumored to ward off bacterial and
viral infections and is a natural antiseptic.
Infections of tonsils need immediate attention from a physician
however as infections caused by bacteria require medication. Your
doctor will also verify that you have a tonsil infection, as opposed to
tonsil stones or cryptic tonsils. For these reasons, it is important to
see your physician right away if you start noticing signs of tonsil infection
such as sore throat, pain, redness, swelling, white spots on tonsils,
fever, headaches or pain when swallowing. Your doctor will help you to
determine the best course of treatment for you and advise you should you
elect to try home remedies for comfort care.
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