Inside your ear canal are hairs and these hairs keep things like dust
and bacteria out of your ear’s precious air space. These hair follicles
and their glands produce ear wax, wax that serves as a protective
device, guarding the skin of the ear canal and protecting everything
from water.
Normally, ear wax eventually makes its way out of your ear canal and
either falls out somewhere or is removed during bathing. Everyone has
ear wax, but like body hair, some have more than others. In the case
where a person’s ears produce too much wax, the wax doesn’t have enough
time to escape and gets stuck and hardens up. This can cause a clogged
ear and even sometimes pain and discomfort.
Another way that ears can become clogged is to be impacted with wax
due to the careless shove of a cotton swab. Sure, it looks perfectly
designed to go in there, but that’s not what they’re for, and using a
Q-Tip in the ear can actually push the wax further in, causing a
blockage and therefore will make your ears feel clogged.
So if Q-Tips are NOT a useful clogged ear remedy for home use, what
is? Well, since most blockages are caused by hardened wax, softening the
offending blockage with baby oil and glycerin can help. Softening the
wax can be a useful clogged ear remedy because it gets the wax moving
again towards the exit. Irrigation kits are available in stores and
while they are a popular ear wax removal home remedy, you may have
everything you need at home to remove ear wax safely and for under two
By far the cheapest and one of the safest home clogged ear remedy
options is water and good old hydrogen peroxide. Removing ear wax in
this manner is relatively safe, usually effective, and does not involve
Q-Tips. Leave them in the cabinet, you do not need them. Don’t touch
them. Okay, moving on. Mix equal parts clean, sterile water and your
finest hydrogen peroxide together in a bowl or cup. Fill a CLEAN
eyedropper with your brew and, while lying on your side, drop a small
amount of your concoction into your ear. Do not stick the syringe in
your ear hole. Matter of fact, don’t even put it near your ear hole,
just aim from an elevated position to reduce the temptation to stick
things in your ear. Continue lying on your side for 10 or fifteen
minutes while the stuff you just put in your ear has time to frolic
about and release some of your stuck on wax. Hum a song, recite a poem,
just don’t move. Place a shallow bowl or container under your ear when
you no longer hear bubbling in the affected ear and tilt your head
toward the bowl to release the contents. You can then use the dropper,
head still situated over the bowl to rinse the ear by gently squirting
peroxide into the ear and letting it drain into the bowl. While this
clogged ear remedy sounds complicated and long, it’s actually a soothing
and gentle way to unclog your ears safely at home.
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